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(2021-22 Onwards)
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List of Siddha Colleges
Curriculum & Syllabus
Old Syllabus
New Syllabus
UG Syllabus
1st Professional
2nd Professional
3rd Professional
PG Syllabus
First Semester
Second Semester
Third - Sixth Semester
PG Orientation/Induction Programme
Curriculum Implementation Videos
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Academic Calendar
List of Sowa-Rigpa Colleges
Curriculum & Syllabus
Old Syllabus
New Syllabus
1st Professional Syllabus
2nd Professional Syllabus
3rd Professional Syllabus
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Ayush Module for MBBS Internship
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IMCC Act 1970
NCISM Act 2020
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Under IMCC Act 1970
Under NCISM Act 2020
Permission Status ASUSR Colleges
Ayurveda Colleges
Permitted in compliance of Court Order
A.Y. 2021-22
A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2023-24
A.Y. 2024-25
Unani Colleges
Permitted in compliance of Court Order
A.Y. 2021-22
A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2023-24
A.Y. 2024-25
Siddha Colleges
A.Y. 2021-22
A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2023-24
A.Y. 2024-25
Sowa-Rigpa Colleges
A.Y. 2021-22
A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2023-24
A.Y. 2024-25
Recognised Medical Qualifications
Circular and Notification
Annual Report
Information Under RTI Act
Important Court Decisions
College Locations
Year 2024
Year 2025
Ayurveda Colleges
A.Y 2024-25
Unani Colleges
A.Y 2024-25
Siddha Colleges
A.Y 2024-25
Framework for Assessment and Rating of ASU colleges
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Ayurveda College Status as on 25.05.2022
List of Total Ayurveda Colleges across Country as on 25.05.2022
List of Permitted Ayurveda Colleges for the A.Y. 2021-22 till 01.05.2023
List of Denied Ayurveda Colleges for the A.Y. 2021-22 till 06.05.2022
List of Permanent Disapproved Ayurveda Colleges as on 25.05.2022
List of total new proposals received to establish new ayurveda colleges to increase seats UG- PG start new PG in existing ayurveda colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22
List of colleges granted Letter of Permission (LOP) to establish new ayurveda colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of colleges denied Letter of Permission (LOP) Letter of Intent (LOP) to establish new ayurveda colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of colleges granted Letter of Permission (LOP) to increase seat (UG-PG) start new PG in existing Ayurveda Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of colleges denied Letter of Permission (LOP) Letter of Intent (LOI) to increase seat (UG-PG) start new PG in existing Ayurveda Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
Unani College Status as on 25.05.2022
List of Total Unani Colleges across Country as on 14.03.2023
List of Permitted Existing Unani Colleges Under Section 28 of NCISM ACT, 2020 for the A.Y. 2022-23 as on 14.03.2023
List of Denied Unani College under section 28 of NCISM Act, 2020 for the A.Y. 2022-23 as on 14.03.2023
List of Colleges Denied issued LOI LOP to increase seat (UGPG) start new PG in existing Unani Colleges as on 14.03.2023
List of Total Colleges Across Country as on 25.05.2022
List of Permitted Unani Colleges 13C for the A.Y 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Denied Unani College for the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Permanent Disapproved Unani College as on 25.05.2022
List of Total New Proposals Received to Establish New Unani Colleges to Increase Seats(UGPG) Start New PG in Existing Unani Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges Granted Letter of Permission (LOP) to Establish New Unani Colleges Under 13A from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges Denied Letter of Permission (LOP) Letter of Intent (LOI) to Establish Unani Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges Granted Letter of Permission (LOP) to Increase Seats (UG&PG) Start New PG in Existing Unani Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges Denied Letter of Permission (LOP) Letter of Intent (LOI) to Increase Seats (UG&PG) Start New PG in Existing Unani Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Denied Unani College for the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
Sowa Rigpa College Status as on 25.05.2022
List of Total Sowa Rigpa Colleges across country as on 14.03.2023
Permission status of Sowa Rigpa colleges for the A.Y. 2022-23 as on 14.03.2023
List of Denied of existing Sowa Rigpa for the A.Y. 2022-23 Us 28 of NCISM Act, 2020 as on 14.03.2023
List of LOP to Start new Sowa-Rigpa colleges From A.Y. 2022-23 as on 14.03.2023
Permission status of existing Siddha for the A.Y. 2022-23 Us 28 of NCISM Act, 2020 as on 14.03.2023
Colleges granted LOP to increase seat (UG PG) start new PG in existing Siddha 22-23 as on14.03.2023
List of Granted LOP to Open New Siddha colleges From A.Y. 2022-23 as on 14.03.2023
List of Total Sowa Rigpa Colleges across country as on 25.05.2022
List of Permitted Sowa Rigpa Colleges for the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Denied Sowa Rigpa Colleges for the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges granted Letter of Permission (LOP) to establish new Sowa Rigpa Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
List of colleges denied Letter of permission (LOP) letter of intent (LOI) Increae seat UG PG start new PG as on 25.05.2022
Siddha College Status as on 25.05.2022
List of Total Siddha Colleges across Country as on 14.03.2023
Permission status of existing Siddha for the A.Y. 2022-23 Us 28 of NCISM Act, 2020 as on 14.03.2023
Colleges granted LOP to increase seat (UG PG) start new PG in existing Siddha 22-23 as on14.03.2023
List of Granted LOP to Open New Siddha colleges From A.Y. 2022-23 as on 14.03.2023
List of Total Siddha Colleges across Country as on 25.05.2022
List of Permitted Siddha Colleges under 13 C for the A.Y. 2021-22as on 25.05.2022
List of Denied Siddha Colleges for the A.Y. 2021-22as on 25.05.2022
List of Permanent Disapproved Siddha Colleges as on 25.05.2022
List of Total new Proposals to establish new SIddha Collegesto increase seat Ug & PGstart new PG in Existing colleges from the A.Y 2021-2022 as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges granted LOP to establish new Siddha Colleges from the A.Y. 2021-22as on 25.05.2022
List of colleges denied Letter of Permission LOP &LOI to establish new siddha college from the A.Y 2021-22as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges granted LOP to increase seat UG& PG start new PG in existing Siddha Colleges from the A.Y 2021-22as on 25.05.2022
List of Colleges denied LOP & LOI to increase seat UG PG Siddha to start new PG in existing Siddha colleges from the A.Y 2021-22 as on 25.05.2022
Vacancy Advertisement Dated 22 Feb 2025 - NCISM
Walk In Interview for the post of O.A (IT) at NCISM_0001
Syllabus for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (UG) -2025
Further extension of cut-off date in admission to ASU Under Graduate Courses for the A.Y. 2024-25
Extension of the Cut Off Date for Admission_0001
अल्पावधि संविदा के आधार पर नियुक्ति
Reduction of Minimum percentile criteria of NEET UG-2024 and AIAPGET -2024 for admission in Undergraduate (UG) Post Graduate (PG) Courses of ASU for the A.Y 2024-25
Ayurveda Colleges Awarded Grade A in Rating for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Ayurveda Colleges Awarded Grade B in Rating for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Ayurveda Colleges Awarded Grade C in Rating for the Academic Year 2024-2025
List of Siddha Collages Awarded Grade A in Rating for the A.Y 2024-25
List of Siddha Colleges Awarded Grade B for the Academic Year 2024-25
List of Siddha Colleges Awarded Grade C for the Academic Year 2024-25
List of Unani Colleges Awarded Grade A in Rating for the Academic Year 2024-25
List of Unani Colleges Awarded Grade B in Rating for the Academic Year 2024-25
List of Unani Colleges Awarded Grade C in Rating for the Academic Year 2024-25
List of Colleges granted Letter of Permission to establish new Ayurveda Colleges for the Academic Year 2024-25 as on 18.09.2024
List of Permitted Ayurveda Colleges for the Academic Year 2024-25 as on 18.09.2024
List of Denial of Ayurveda Colleges for the Academic Year 2024-25 as on 18.09.2024
List of Permitted Unani Colleges for the Academic Year 2024-25 as on 18.09.2024
List of Denial status of Unani Colleges for the Academic Year 2024-25 as on 18.09.2024
BUMS Graduates now included in Medical Officer Post
Cannabis Advisory
Extension of last date-ASU&SR Colleges till 31.08.2024 for the academic session 2025-26
Letter from NCHMCT
Recruitment Notice
भर्ती सूचना
Public Notice
This Public Notice is Fake
Refund Cancellation Policy, Terms and Conditions
Charak Oath
कार्यालय ज्ञापन
Unani Medical Practitioners for Ayush Clinic for Southern Railway
List of total Ayurveda Colleges across country as on 12.12.2023
List of total Unani colleges across country as on 12.12.2023
List of total Siddha Colleges across country as on 12.12.2023
List of total Sowa-Rigpa colleges across country as on 12.12.2023
Letter of Permission to establish new Unani college for the A.Y 2023-24 as on 12.12.2023
Guidelines & Instruction for College regarding visitation for AY 2024-25
Zero Tolerance Policy against Corruption - 2024-25
SOP Standard Operating Procedure for Visitation ASUS College 2024-25
Permission status of Ayurveda colleges across country 2023-24 as on 06.12.2023
List of Denial of Permission of Ayurveda colleges across country 2023-24 as on 06.12.2023
List of colleges granted Letter of Permission to establish New Ayurveda Colleges for the A.Y.2023-24 as on 06.02.2024
Permission status of UNANI colleges across country 2023-24 as on 06.12.2023
List of Denial status of UNANI colleges across country 2023-24 as on 06.12.2023
Permission Status of Sowa-Rgpa Colleges across country 2023-24 as on 06.12.2023
Permission Status of Siddha Colleges for the academic year 2023-24 as on 06.12.2023
List of colleges granted Letter of Permission to establish New Siddha Medical College for the A.Y 2023-24 as on 06.12.2023
Conduction of Special Stray Vacancy Round
Reduction in minimum percentile criteria of NEET UG 2023 and AIAPGET 2023
Letter from RCC Institute
AIAPGET-2023 - Reduction of Minimum Qualifying Percentage for EWS-PwD category
Extension of last date - ASUS College till 10.10.2023 as on for the academic session 2024-25
Notice-All candidates, institutes participating in PG-Counseling, 2023 are informed in respect of submission of following mandatory documents at the time of reporting at the alloted institute
Extension of last date - ASUS College
Permission Status of Siddha Colleges as on 07.09.2023
Letter for Extension of Last date for submission of appliction for the AY 2024-25
Application form to Apply for Publication Grant
NTA Fake Letter_17-07-2023
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
Submission of Applications/scheme to establish new Ayurveda/Unani/Siddha and Sowa Rigpa Colleges, for increase intake capacity in UG & PG courses and to open new PG Courses from the Academic session 2024-25 - reg.
List of Permitted Existing Ayurved Colleges for the academic year 2022-23 as on 25.04.2023
List of Denied Existing Ayurved Colleges for the academic year 2022-23 as on 25.04.2023
Policy to be adopted for the Assessment and Grant or Denial of permissions of ASUS colleges for the Academic Session 2023- 24
List of Permitted Ayurveda Colleges for the A.Y. 2021-22 till 01.05.2023
List of Denied Ayurveda Colleges for the A.Y. 2021-22 till 06.05.2022
All Gujarat Self Finance Paramedical Consortium and Association VS NCISM
Extension of last date of submission of Applications/scheme to establish new Ayurveda/Unani/Siddha/Sowa Rigpa Colleges/ increase intake capacity in UG & PG courses and to open new PG Courses for the session 2023-24 - reg.(Public Notice)
URL Login
Permission status of unani colleges under section 28 for the AY 2022-23 as on 23.01.2023
Denial status for the Unani college AY 2022-23 as on 23.01.2023
Permission status of Siddha colleges for the A.Y. 2022-23 as on 23.01.2023
Permission status of Sowa Rigpa colleges for the A.Y. 2022-23 as on 23.01.2023
Submission of Application for establishment of a New Medical College, Opening of New/Higher Course of Study or training and Increase of admission capacity under Section 29 of NCISM Act, 2020-reg. (Public Notice)
Prevention of submission of affidavit by the teaching faculty in two colleges for the same academic year-reg.
Quotation of Aluminum Partition Work
Draft Board of Ethics & Registration Regulation 2022.
National Registration Regarding
(Minimum Standards of Undergraduates Ayurveda Education) Regulation - 2022 in the website under Act & Regulation of NCISM Act 2020
National Registration Regarding (English)
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